Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Monetary Worth of an Activity Coordinator

I love to interact with fellow AC's  and one the subjects of discussion that often comes up is how much they are paid .
It varies greatly  from national minimum average or up to  £8.00, it varies from what region you live in  and basically on the generosity of the owner of the home who holds the purse strings.

I did a little research of what AC's get paid globally-

UK average £7,800

On average in the USA they are paid $11.00 an hours (£7.72).

Eastern Europe 17223.17 Polish Zolty ( £3000 per year )

Canada $40,000 per year

So Canada seems to be the place where AC's are appreciated  more . Legislation is steering more in favour of the AC's role, highlighting the importance, but once again judging by the poor pay by those who are in the sector who should understand the role  we have a long road ahead.

In my humble opinion AC's are worth their weight in gold, do a marvelous job. What is needed is legislation that brings permanent  change across the sector .

The  AC's role is highly skilled and takes a certain caliber of person  and all we can do is continue doing what we do best , keep shining!

Until next time,
Ann Marie Lovejoy xx
Come connect with me on face book at  www.facebook.com/groups/lovejoycentregroup