Friday, 1 December 2017

Planning 2018, the year ahead....

Planning 2018, the year ahead.....

 As an AC you're probably about to get mid flow into the flurry of Christmas festivities and activities. You need to ask yourself the following-

How has it been for you? Has it been easy or hard? What would you do different? Lots of questions for you.Are just happy to have survived and got through it all?

Well you do have a secret weapon to success and that is called Planning Ahead.

You will always hear me say that if you have an action plan you will always succeed.

Tips For The Year Ahead For Success

1.  Grab one of my year wall year planner's and diaries  I have created for 2018, especially for  AC'S,
I have saved you the hassle and listed all the main theme dates, fun dates and also suggested activities you can do each month for the year ahead. So you plan what ones you wish to use with your resident's. Email me at for more details if interested.

2. Don't be alone. Come connect with me on FB or other like minded AC's worldwide in my fabulous online community and have  support, encouragement and

3.Up your game, I have set up the AC Tastic Academy which is your one stop shop for AC's to find all they need for personal development and support in their job role.

4. Change tact consider trying new activities, don't just dismiss an idea before you try it with your residents it might just work and be the one thing that connects with someone.

5.Before planning your year's schedule of activities make sure you have up to take records of each resident's capabilities and this is taken into account.

6.Please think about you for a few minutes as you plan ahead next year as well. Where do you think you need to change things in order to make your life easier? Do you need to have admin time given to you for your paper work? Consider these things and when planning make sure you schedule enough
 time so you can get ALL aspects of the job done in work time.

7. Consider using your budget on activity equipment that you can use again and again to create a great session . I offer a wide range of activity session products at

8.Dare to be different, I alway challenge you all to think outside the box and do creative, innovative
things, do it. For example, bringing in a horse or pony for a pet therapy session.

9. Evidence is key to prove you do all the wonderful things you do. Take pictures, put them on display and have a  photo album by the signing in book so people and health professionals can see the wonderful things you do with your residents.

10.If you're in a home that thinks activities are two a penny and don't make any provision for you to do your job then there lots of things you can do activity wise. sign up here for my free E-book advising you what you can do-

I hope you found my blogs useful. I wish you a very merry Christmas and a brilliant New Year full of success and wonderful sessions
Keep shining.Until next time.

Ann Marie xx