Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Lets Plan February Activities

Hey Everyone, How are you? So we are now in February which is such an exciting month for us to plan for our lovelies.
So in this blog I am going to give  you some activity suggestions for February  so first of all we have Pancake Day on the 13/02/18.
The main themes are all so close together so use the month to create activity sessions to build up to them and then celebrate them on the day.
For Pancake Day use this to start preparations for whatever Easter activities or displays you are doing as well.

Activity Suggestion -

Pancake Day 

 Making Session  13/02/18 - 

Get everyone involved to make a pancake and then to decorate them.

Have a pancake toss competition.

Discuss the traditions of Pancake as it the beginning of Lent.

Valentines Day 14/02/18

1. Create a festive environment
Putting up decorations makes any holiday festive and more special. Valentine’s Day is a great reason to make simple DIY decorations together – save money and do something fun at the same time!
Simple Valentine decoration ideas:
  • Hearts everywhere – cut hearts out of colored paper and stick them up around the house.
  • Stained glass window – cut hearts out of colored tissue paper and stick them up on a light-filled window. Overlapping them makes beautiful patterns too.
  Movie afternoon tea- have a special tea with love themed cup cakes, get out the special china and choose a nice romantic movie that the residents can enjoy.

A love themed reminiscence session get everyone to share their story of how they fell in love with their spouses and share pictures .
Get relatives involved and so a coffee morning to celebrate Valentine's day and do some themed easy arts and crafts they can do with their loved ones.

Chinese New Year 16/02/18

This year it is the year of the dog. You can do some chinese themed arts and crafts sessions.
Fans- Get your residents to make their own fan with pictures of dogs on them for decorations.
Discussion- Research the meaning of the year of the dog and share facts and cultural facts with your residents, see if anyone every went to China and turn it into a reminiscence session.
Arts and crafts , lots of free printables on line you can use for your groups.
Meal- Have a chinese themed meal to celebrate the New Year.

Hope you find this useful. Lots more resources available in my online community.
I have created an online AC Academy that gives you support with all the challenges you face. www.actasticacademy.com.

Don't Be Alone!
Come connect with me on FB and be part of my online community of fellow AC's at  www.facebook.com/groups/lovejoycentregroup

Sign up  to go on my mailing list and get my FREE  ebook: "10 Top Tips for Engaging and Stimulating Activities With The Elderly" 

Please click below:

Until next time.

Keep shining brightly and by the way thank you for being you and doing such a brilliant job.


Ann Marie x