Tuesday, 30 April 2019

How to deal with Loneliness in the Role of an Activity Coordinator

 One of the things that come up time and time again is the feeling of loneliness and overwhelm in the role as an AC.

Ironically in our role as an AC we provide and create  activities and arrange entertainment for our residents to stop them from feeling lonely and out of sorts but for some AC's they are not supported by their colleagues and feel lonely, with no one understanding the depth of the job role they have to do or actually really get it at all.

This is something that a lot of AC's struggle with and it's unacceptable, you should not feel like your out on a limb or isolated, you should be supported and encouraged in your role.

Here are some practical tips to help you over come this issue-

1. No man is an island- Connect with other AC's via the internet. There are very good FB groups come connect with me! I would welcome you with open arms -www.facebook.com/groups/lovejoycentregroup

2.Communicate- Talk to your manager in your supervisions or just have a private word, be honest and say how you feel and what you can do to ensure your included. After all your all meant to work as a team.

3.Check your hangouts- Make sure you surround yourself with people who get you, celebrate you and people you can learn from.

4.Don't be shy - network . Go to events like care shows, training events and meet new people who you have something in common with and can create lasting friendships with.

5.Be brave- take a look and see if you are just too shy yourself and maybe that could be the cause of you being excluded. I know it's a bit deep but if there is stuff there to deal with  then you need to deal with it. ( My workbook The Ultimate AC Guide deals with all of this stuff) .

Remember you do not have to be on your own. I am dedicated to providing support for AC's worldwide through my products,courses and online interaction.
If you know anyone this may benefit please pass it on, it is a real issue faced by lots of people, you would be surprised.
Don't Be Alone!
Come connect with me on FB and be part of my online community of fellow AC's at  www.facebook.com/groups/lovejoycentregroup

Sign up  to go on my mailing list and get my FREE  ebook: "10 Top Tips for Engaging and Stimulating Activities With The Elderly" 

Please click below:

Until next time, keep shining.
Ann Marie x