Wednesday 3 August 2016

How To Build Your Resident's Self Esteem

Apart from ensuring that the physical, mental, social, physical and spiritual needs are being met of residents that AC's provide activity sessions for we also need to remember that the promotion of self esteem is vitally important.

When anyone first moves into a care home setting they feel  very vulnerable and they are at the  mercy of a those around them.If they are used to living at the Home and have a strong personality then they will feel reassured about speaking out and having self-esteem. But if they are new to the nursing home, or have a change in their care plan needs because of their own health then it is most likely that their self esteem will need to be reassessed.

To take away their independence and to take over their care takes time for them  to adjust to their new way of life. It is a lot sometimes for the aged person to get used to. Most times the Elderly person was very independent at home and moving around freely but then end up needing care because their health changes, their eyesight changes or they have a fall and break bones. Once they feel like they are no longer able to take care of their daily living then their self-esteem is soon affected. It will become obvious that they have low self-esteem, and it will become very important for their well being to have their self esteem built back up.

Five Easy Steps To Build Self Esteem-

 1. Ask the resident to help make decisions about their day-to-day living as much as possible. So instead of making choices for them, ask how them how they would like to be assisted.

 2. Give them a small task that they are able to complete. Even something as basic as folding the face washers or the towels make them feel important.

3. Ask  what they used to like doing. Did they like gardening? Or painting? Or maybe sewing. Set up activities that the person is able to take part in and enjoy. You will soon see their self esteem boosted.

4. Show the person you care about their thoughts, opinions and their history. Get involved in their earlier life and share their memories. If they have photos of their life then ask if you can sit and look through the photos together.

5. Use the Elderly person name every time you speak with them in a conversation. Try to remember that person’s name so that they can feel important and loved.

I do hope this has been useful to you. Do you like what I have shared?  Let me know.

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Until next time keep shining and remember your worth.

Ann Marie x

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