Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Meaningful Engagement.........

As an AC we can be so busy preparing future events for the residents which is good, that we can over look the most simple acts that bring meaningful engagement for a resident  and bless their cotton socks right off.

Always listen to what is being said to you, if a resident is always making reference to a particular thing then do something special for them. I go to a home and there is a lovely lady there who constantly refers to her beloved Liverpool, where she hails from. She is based in the South of England and almost laments for her beloved Liverpool.

She talks so descriptively about it she would make you feel that the streets familiar to her  would be as familiar to you. I picked up on this and have decided to put together memory box for her about Liverpool, she is thrilled at the prospect and what I put together, the home where she resides can build on it.

 Having a person centered approach and mindset is an absolute and doing something that a person or a group enjoys is what matters.

Simple things are the best, giving people a sense of responsibility can give them worth and increase their self esteem. Asking residents to help set the tables, fold laundry etc are meaning activities for them and have as much importance as group activities or even entertainers who are booked to do a session with residents.

I am always challenging you to think outside the box, do it. Be adventurous in your thinking when planning things to do and places to go, include everyone.Until next time.

Keep on shining,
Ann Marie x

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