It got me thinking about how many times AC's are under rated, not celebrated, over looked and taken for granted. In fact that was a key point all the speakers at the award ceremony mentioned, that across the care sector all roles are not being acknowledged enough.
I hear it all the time, so I want to address it today and validate you and your work. Please know that when you organize an activity for the residents you work with it's not in vain. You are providing a vital service for them, this period of time in their lives is their latter season and what happens really counts.
It can be a lonely place for an AC, your sometimes on your own. I would encourage you not to wallow but come and get connected to others who get you and appreciate your endeavours, no man is an island we need each other.
Go on Facebook and search AC groups, I am on there-
You are going to have to be like David in the bible and learn to encourage yourself, the bible tells of a story of David and the Israelites coming back from war and all their families had been kidnapped by the enemy, including David's. Typical humans everyone wanted someone to blame and poor David was the one they blamed, despite the fact his family had been taken as well. So David encouraged himself in the Lord and had faith to go after the enemy and recover everyone. The point I am making is to stay positive, we have bad days but remember everyday is new and don't keep yourself isolated, always look at ways to expand your knowledge and develop.
Surround yourself with people who get you and celebrate you .
Until next time keep shining,
Ann Marie Lovejoy Bruce - Kerr
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