Friday, 6 April 2018

Benefits of A Newsletter For Your Home

Benefits of A Newsletter For Your Home

Writing a newsletter is a great way to keep abreast of what everyone has been up to in your care home, it records events  and is something that everyone who wants to can contribute to.
It's an effective way of letting all concerned know what's going on and the relatives of the residents too. 
It's a great way to get people involved, ask them to contribute and announce in advance whatever your up and coming events are that are taking place, ask people to write articles, do it as a regular activity that involves everyone, record your resident's meetings in it etc.
One of the biggest advantages is it is wonderful evidence to showcase your work that you do to show CQC, chronologically  recorded and lots of images highlighting the ethos of the home and what a great AC you are! 
It validates people, to see them featured in it and the pictures for both staff and residents .
Make your newsletter fun, zany and let it catch the heartbeat of your home.

You can get packages on Microsoft Publisher that have templates for you to use. I know you may say well Ann Marie it's extra work but in away it a win win really because your promoting positive energy in the home among staff and residents and evidencing what you do as you go along.
 I encourage you to give it a go, you can do it monthly, weekly etc.

Don't Be Alone!
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Until next time.

Keep shining brightly and by the way thank you for being you and doing such a brilliant job.


Ann Marie x

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